AI in education

Tackling the Elephant in the Room: Student Behaviour in Science Classrooms

62% of science teachers identify student behaviour as their biggest challenge, according to the Science Teaching Survey 2023. Read nine strategies to improve classroom atmosphere and student engagement in our blog.

Teaching, Learning, Living: Finding Balance as a GCSE Science Teacher

In our blog we take an honest look at the challenges, strategies, and finding the right mix of work and personal time for a GCSE Science teacher.

Lesson Plans and Lab Coats: A Day in the Life of a GCSE Science Teacher

In this blog we talk about how the forgotten warmth of a coffee cup reflects the unwavering commitment of GCSE Science teachers.

Preparing students for a tech-driven future

Read about seven key strategies to integrate technology into education, fostering digital literacy, problem-solving, and ethical tech use among students.

Ethical AI in Schools: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Best Practices

For teachers to read about the ethical use of AI in schools, how they can overcome challenges and embrace best practices in the classroom.

Transforming Education: AI-Enhanced Pedagogical Innovations

For teachers to read about the transformative power of AI on pedagogical innovations within education

sAInaptic - AI marking that goes beyond keyword search and grouping of similar responses

Unlike some other existing AI tools, our AI is not merely looking for 'keywords' in student answers nor does it 'group' similar student answers together; it is trained to deeply understand and evaluate the content described in the students answer, based on mark schemes associated with the questions. In this blog post, we'll explore how sAInaptic's AI algorithm works and the remarkable benefits it offers to both educators and students.

Benefits of AI-assisted short answer marking in Science

Speed, consistency, fairness, immediate feedback, and reduction in educator workload are just some of the advantages AI marking offers. As the adoption of AI continues to grow, the educational landscape is set to change dramatically, with science education becoming more accessible, effective, and engaging for students and educators alike.