Tackling the Elephant in the Room: Student Behaviour in Science Classrooms

According to the Science Teaching Survey 2023, 62% of science teachers have pointed to student behaviour as their number one hurdle in the classroom. This statistic is not just a number - it's a clear signal that teachers must address the elephant in the room. As secondary school educators, you are all too familiar with the challenges that disruptive behaviour presents, not only to your teaching but also to the learning environment of our students.

But here's the silver lining: challenges invite solutions. There are strategies out there that can significantly improve student behaviour in the classroom. Here are nine that might make your next science class a smoother, more productive experience:

Establish Clear Expectations

Clarity is critical right from the get-go. Set clear, concise rules that outline expected behaviours in your classroom. Make sure that these align with your whole-school behaviour policy, too. Please make sure these rules are discussed and agreed upon with your students. 

Build Strong Relationships

A quick chat, a shared joke, or a moment to listen can build bridges of trust and respect that transform your classroom. These connections don’t just brighten their day; they can turn the tide on challenging behaviours. Students naturally gravitate towards teachers who feel they genuinely care about them. So,  reach out, engage, and let them know they matter. These small investments can pay off in a classroom that buzzes with positivity and respect.

Engage Students with Interactive Learning

Let's face it: Traditional lessons sometimes lose students’ attention. Incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, experiments, and educational games can keep students engaged and less likely to cause disruptions. When interactive lessons relate to the real world, students see the value in participating.

Foster a Positive Classroom Culture

Celebrate achievements by calling their home with praise, encouraging questions, and facilitating discussions that allow students to express their thoughts and opinions respectfully. When students feel valued, their behaviour reflects that. Recognise the power of peer support by setting up buddy systems or group projects that promote collaboration and mutual respect. This enhances learning and also builds social skills and empathy among students. 

Implement Consistent Consequences

Consistency is crucial when it comes to managing behaviour. Apply the system of consequences you establish on day one to every single lesson. Consistency reassures students that you care and makes them accountable for their actions. 

Stay Calm and Professional

As hard as it may be, model the behaviour you expect from your students. Staying calm and professional even in challenging situations sets a positive example and helps de-escalate conflicts.

Manage with Mindfulness and Empathy

Sometimes, misbehaviour stems from underlying issues. Adopting a mindful approach to understanding students' perspectives can help address the root causes of their behaviour. Empathetic interaction can de-escalate potential conflicts and show students that their feelings are valued. Liaise with the pastoral team to see if there is any additional support that the student may need when in class. 

Maintain Open Communication with Parents

Regularly communicate with parents about their child’s progress and behaviour. Collaboration with parents can reinforce positive behaviours both at home and in school.

Professional Development in Behaviour Management

Lastly, investing in your professional development can equip you with new strategies to enhance classroom management. Workshops, seminars, and courses on behaviour management can provide fresh insights and techniques to tackle challenging behaviour head-on. Speak to your colleagues or department to see if they can give you any additional support or advice. 

Recommended Reading

Book: Getting your class to behave by Sue Cowley.

Podcast: The SecEd Podcast: Classroom behaviour


Addressing student behaviour is no small feat, but it's crucial to fostering a conducive learning environment. By implementing these strategies, we can create classrooms where curiosity thrives and disruptions dwindle. Remember, every student has the potential to contribute positively; sometimes, it just takes a bit of creativity, humour and a lot of patience to bring out the best in them! 

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