Create a revision timetable that works!

Create a revision timetable that works! 

Exams can be stressful and scary. With the mounting pressure and a large amount of content to cover across subjects, how do you even get started?

Start EARLY and give yourself time to prepare. It really is that simple! 

Planning gives your mind much-needed clarity and relieves anxiety. There is no right way to plan! However, you need to start somewhere and figure out what works for you. Here are some tips to help you get started 🙂

Tip#1: Make a list of everything you need to revise
  • Write down all the subjects you will be examined on. 
  • Break this down further into subject modules and topics. 
  • If you have Paper-1 and Paper-2 exams for subjects, highlight the modules that belong to these papers. 

Useful resource: The specification handbook given by your exam board is the most useful resource for this task. You can find these on the websites of the exam boards for your specific subjects. ,

Tip#2: RAG the topics
  • Identify your hardest topics, the ones you are least confident with. These are your RED topics!  
  • Identify your AMBER topics; familiar topics but not the ones you are most confident yet
  • And finally, identify your GREEN topics; topics you are the most confident in. 

Useful resource: The topics list in your revision guides, mock results and any feedback that you have received on your mock results will help you with this.

Tip#3: Plan your time
  • How many days do you actually have between now and your GCSE exams? You need to know your exam dates for these. If you are starting now - you have approximately 3 months! 
  • Identify days when you are already booked up for extracurricular activities, meetings with friends, holidays, birthdays etc. and days when you are at school.
  • Know when your study leave starts, and what you need to cover before then, so that you don’t burn out before your exams start.

Useful resource: Exam dates can be found on the websites of the exam boards for your specific subjects. Also, check out your school and personal calendars.

Tip#4: Time to put it all together
  • Slot in your study times.
  • Allocate subjects/modules/topics for each study time
  • Allocate topic-specific tasks to each day. Example; mind map, practice exam questions, revise using revision guides, watch a video on the topic

Useful resource: An understanding of the revision methods that work for you. If you don't have one yet, that's fine. Just start with one of the options mentioned. 

Tip#5: The most important: Schedule breaks and plan for rewards 

60-minute study time with a  5-minute break in between might work for you, OR it could be different. You need to figure this bit out! What’s important is to limit the break to a maximum of 30 min. 

Do this to maintain focus! 

Useful TIP: Leave your phone off/out of reach. Use your laptop to help you look up resources to aid your revision. Don't be tempted to look at your phone so, Leave your phone out of your reach.

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